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Guided Meditations with Karan Scott

This is a brand new service brought into being when clients told me they didn't like or trust other sources of guided meditations, and that they only wanted someone they knew and trusted speaking to their deeply relaxed and subconscious minds. The risk of "... all sorts of things being planted into my mind by people I don't know" prevented them from enjoying the enormous healing benefits of a soothing guided meditation, and so I got to work.


This service was primarily available to my clients only, but then word got out and here we are. So, how can I help you today? Where would you like to go? What would you like to accomplish? How about some deep, deep relaxation, or a thoroughly good night's sleep at last, or some so far elusive personal growth and development, or perhaps even some expansive spiritual development and an awakening?


Each meditation has been categorised and labelled but, as you'd expect, they are all deeply soothing and relaxing. New categories and more guided meditations will be added in the fullness of time. I appreciate my library is not extensive or offering an overwhelming choice yet, so please do check back regularly. Alternatively, you may wish to sign up for email notifications advising you of new releases, because there are so many more titles to come, and only a cold or laryngitis can stop me now!


Please understand that all guided meditation downloads are non-returnable and non-refundable.


Karan Scott's Guided Meditation eGift Cards are now available

Each guided meditation or soundscape is approximately 25-30 minutes long, and can easily be downloaded onto your chosen device for your unlimited personal use, forever.


Whilst by no means compulsory, I would strongly encourage you to listen to your guided meditations through headphones, for best effect, with device notifications switched off and all other distractions dealt with for the duration.



  • These downloads are offered for entertainment purposes only, and are created without prejudice or bias.

  • Decisions made and/or actions taken by you, upon listening to and experiencing these guided meditations will be made through your free will alone and will remain, at all times, your personal responsibility.

  • Although every care has been taken to ensure the quality of sound production, I cannot guarantee the quality of sound production you experience via your personal devices.

  • DO NOT listen to guided meditations whilst driving a vehicle, operating machinery, or at any time your full attention, consciousness and awareness is required.

  • All guided meditation and soundscape downloads are non-returnable and non-refundable.



Voicemail: 01536 601749


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Karan Scott Coaching Sessions Can Be Conducted Via MS Teams
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 © Karan Scott Coaching | Kettering, Northants, UK - All Rights Reserved


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