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Secret Weapon, Code Name "Mentor"

Writer's picture: Karan ScottKaran Scott

Secret Weapon, Code Name "Mentor" blog article by Karan Scott Coaching | Northants 01536 601749
A mentor's primary function is to work alongside you, listening, guiding, challenging your thinking, encouraging you to leave your comfort zone to get to where you want to go

Let me begin by confirming that everyone's reason for having a mentor is as individual as they are. Some people find the guidance from a mentor more helpful from a personal perspective, whilst others from a stronger professional viewpoint.

A mentor can take on an Accountability Partner role equally for both, to help the mentee reach their i.e.: personal career, further education and fitness goals, in addition to supporting those in - or starting out in - business. So how might you be able to grow and develop with the help of a mentor?

A mentor's primary function is to work alongside you, listening, guiding, challenging your thinking, encouraging you to leave your comfort zone to get to where you want to go; but the responsibility to actually get there is yours. At no point will a mentor manage or judge you, and neither are we your Operations Director; we can't do the work for you.

I for one believe strongly that some things can be taught, whilst other things must be learned. How easy would it be for you to receive a "To Do" list from your mentor to work through, comparatively unthinkingly? The problem here, is that it denies you the opportunity to grow through the challenge of learning what needs to be done, how, when and why: and then doing it, obviously. No one can do push ups for you.

A mentor will step into their own if you feel something is lacking in your knowledge base or skill set. For example; you may be a hugely talented and accomplished brain surgeon, and excellent at doing what you do; your specialty. However, that doesn't necessarily make you proficient in i.e.: marketing, social media or bookkeeping. Here the experience of a mentor can help you develop these weaker skills, pass on what they know, and encourage further learning or training.

As an accomplished brain surgeon, wanting to start out on your own, you may find yourself bewildered with the gritty mechanics of actually being a start up, and having to deal with i.e.: HMRC, web design/SEO, direct marketing and CRM databases. There's absolutely no shame in acknowledging a gap in your knowledge base and seeking assistance from someone who's been there and done that. After all, we are all good at different things, and I bet you a pound to a penny, your mentor won't be as proficient as you at your specialty. It's all about mutual trust, understanding, respect and the transference of knowledge.

Perhaps a mentor could help you grow and develop into an enhanced version of who you already are? Perhaps you have (or want) the career of your dreams and, again you are most excellent at doing your thing, but need to boost your self-confidence to i.e.: make public speaking more comfortable and enjoyable, or manage your stress levels at work? Yep, a mentor can help you with this too.

Then there is the more personal in nature assistance a mentor can offer you. Mentors often take on the role of trusted friend and advisor. This is why a mentor will never manage or judge you. If you were to feel managed or judged, it may limit your willingness to be fully open and communicative, thus stunting the full benefits mentoring has to offer you. Trust is essential, and confidentiality is a given. Talking things through on a more personal level, often helps to remove roadblocks and highlight any self-sabotaging behaviours or thought patterns. If you always do what you've always done, you're always going to get what you've always got.

Look at how mentors are portrayed in TV and film: Saul Berenson mentors Carrie Mathieson (Homeland), Obi-Wan Kenobi mentors Luke Skywalker (Star Wars) and Gandalf mentors Frodo (Lord of the Rings), to name but three. All mentors care about and are invested in their mentees, and will work alongside to guide them, endeavour to keep them safe from harm, peril or error, whilst optimising all chances of success, whatever the individual "missions" might be.

In short, you will have in a mentor, someone you can talk to, off-load to, fret and worry to; to a person who is invested in your success and achievement; someone who will have your back, point out pitfalls and/or help you out of pitfalls you may already have fallen into. A mentor will believe in you, instill confidence and self-esteem into you, motivate, inspire, empower and cheer-lead you. Do you need someone to do that for you?

Call me now on 01536 601749 to book a mutually convenient date and time to meet, and your new journey starts now. Alternatively, please complete the call back form, and I will contact you, but there is so much to accomplish and not a minute to lose, so let's get cracking!

Here's to you becoming the change you wish to see in your world.

Karan x


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